Plan Unforgettable Custom Scent Making Event

LET’S STAND OUT! Create one-of-a-kind fragrance.

Custom Perfume Making Event for Any Occasion

There are countless reasons to enjoy the Expressive Aromas Custom Perfume making experience.

You’ll have fun learning about the art of perfumery, uncover the aromas of fragrance oils which match your personality, and sharpen your senses before blending into the scent of your choice to take home. Get ready to take your journey of scent discovery to whole a new height.

Great for small and large groups alike, our events are tailored to your unique needs. Our workshops or scent bars are perfect for Birthday Parties, Gatherings, Corporate Events, Fundraisers, Dinner & Dance Events, Team Building Exercises and more.

Learn more about our services and pricing below.

choose between perfume bar or a perfume workshop

Expressive Aromas’ Custom Perfume Making Event

We bring the entire perfume making experience to your doorstep with two hours of hands-on signature scent creation. Ideal for parties, intimate gatherings and large sit-down events.

Each guest takes home their custom creation. Pricing starts at $65/person (Minimum 10)

Work with us to curate a scent experience to share with your guests. Hire our scent experts for a fast paced 5-10 mins/guest custom perfume creation experience. Ideal for get-to-gathers, weddings, mixers, event attendees, and dynamic activities.

Each guest takes home their custom creation. Pricing starts at $27/person (Minimum 25)

Expressive Aromas x Perfume & Cologne Bar

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